Number/percentage of intended users who report that a KM output provided new knowledge

Indicator Number: 


Logic Model Component: 

Data Type(s): 
Count, proportion, qualitative
Short Definition: 
Measures the extent to which intended users report that they have learned from information and guidance presented in a KM output, and obtained new knowledge
Definition and Explanation (Long): 
This indicator measures the extent to which intended users report that they have learned from information and guidance presented in a KM output, and as a result they have obtained new knowledge. This is the stage in the diffusion of innovation process when a person first becomes aware of the existence of information and guidance and gains understanding of how it functions (Rogers, 2003). The acquisition of knowledge may take place consciously or unconsciously when a person encounters new information, but it results in the ability of the user to make decisions and take action (Milton, 2005).
Data Requirements: 
Quantitative data from survey self-reporting Qualitative data from anecdotal user reports
Data Sources: 
Feedback forms or audience surveys distributed with the KM output or after its dissemination or promotion; in-depth interviews (telephone or in-person)
Frequency of Data Collection: 
Understanding the extent to which a KM output provides new knowledge to users can help publishers gauge what level of knowledge—basic, intermediate, advanced—should be used in key materials.
Issues and Challenges: 
Survey and interview questions can be designed to gauge whether members of intended audiences have learned something new that provides new knowledge relevant to their work. While, yes/no questions usually do not yield sufficient information, but they can be followed up with an open-ended request for the most important point learned and assessed.
Sample Topics and Questions for Data Collection Instruments: 
Please rate the following statements about whether your knowledge has been affected by the [Web product]. (1-Strongly disagree, 2- Disagree, 3-Not sure, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly agree) o It reinforced and validated what I already knew. o It provided me with information that was new to me and useful for my work. o I have already seen the information in a different resource. Please give a specific example of knowledge validated or gained. (Open-ended.)
Indicator Snapshots: 
Approximately 80% of family planning service providers (n=82) who filled out a bounce-back survey enclosed in the Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers indicated that the handbook provided them with new information on who can and cannot use specific family planning methods safely. The survey about the LeaderNet webinar on blended learning revealed that 96% of the 98 participants who responded to the final seminar evaluation (36% response rate) indicated that they acquired skills or knowledge from the seminar that they could apply to their work.
Pages in the Guide: 

Published Year: 

  • 2013
Last Updated Date: 
Wednesday, September 6, 2017