Number of new KM outputs created and available, by type

Indicator Number: 


Logic Model Component: 

Data Type(s): 
Count, qualitative
Short Definition: 
Captures the instances where new KM outputs, including products, services, and other knowledge resources, are created and made available to users
Definition and Explanation (Long): 
This indicator captures the number of instances where new KM outputs, including products, services, and other knowledge resources, are created and made available to intended users. In KM, the term “output” refers to a tool for sharing knowledge within the organization and/or with the clients. Outputs can take many forms, including products and services, publications and other knowledge resources, training and other knowledge-sharing events, processes and procedures, and techniques.
Data Requirements: 
Self-report of number of new outputs, by type
Data Sources: 
Administrative records
Frequency of Data Collection: 
In any field—and global health is no exception—the creation of new knowledge is imperative. The process of knowledge creation promotes communication across the field and leads to the implementation of innovative activities. In highlighting the number of new outputs, this indicator reflects the generation and synthesis of knowledge.
Issues and Challenges: 
This guide identifies a wide range of outputs and categorizes them into four main areas below: • Products and services – such as websites, mobile applications, applied technologies, and resource centers • Publications and resources – such as policy briefs, journal articles, and project reports • Training and events – such as workshops, seminars,and mentoring sessions • Approaches and techniques – reviews, reporting, and communities of practice To track KM outputs, it is important to cover and address all of these areas in a holistic manner.
Sample Topics and Questions for Data Collection Instruments: 
Illustrative examples of more specific indicators are as follows: • Number of new mobile applications developed • Number of new research briefs written • Number of new eLearning courses completed • Number of new knowledge sharing techniques developed
Pages in the Guide: 

Published Year: 

  • 2013
Last Updated Date: 
Wednesday, September 6, 2017